I was recently in Atlanta visiting my family, and like many family gatherings, we reflected on the things we used to do when we were little and the places that were special to us. While there, I celebrated my 40th anniversary of knowing the Lord. I asked my family about a store called TSS, which was where I first gave my life to Christ. They mentioned that it had been torn down and replaced with another store. But even though it is no longer there, it will always be a location to remember. Throughout our lives, we all have those places that hold a special significance to us.
It might have been where we were proposed to or where we heard devastating news. Similarly, our spiritual lives will have their own landmarks as well: where you got saved, where you got baptized, or where you went on a mission trip. But the most important place you have to have seated in your heart is the place where you and God talk.
There was a study done with 10,000 churches where they studied the characteristics of a disciple and the number one characteristic was that the person spent time with God daily!
The most important thing we can do every day is spend time with God. I encourage you to find a place that you establish as your meeting place with God. Then, designate a time that you are going to fellowship with God and develop a routine. The key factor is to be consistent. I also like to have an empty chair that represents where God is sitting. It reminds me that when I don’t show up, I am leaving Him hanging.
When we start our mornings with God, we will have a supernatural day. We put ourselves in a position for God to do something supernatural in our lives when we spend time with Him. If we want to be a follower of Christ, we need to take initiative.
Here are some of the things that I do during my time with God to create a marvelous morning.
When you spend time with God, it will equip you for your day. It will help you face the unexpected challenges that life holds. As we spend time with God, He will equip us for ministry. You will be able to hear His voice amidst the chaos.
If you want to learn more about discipleship and how to strengthen your relationship with God and others, visit sdrock.com/pathway.
Originally posted on https://www.christianpost.com/by/miles-mcpherson