

Your Spiritual Growth Matters

The Discipleship Pathway was designed to help you transform into a thriving disciple of Jesus by helping you to know God more deeply, grow in community, and make a difference in the world around you. Each part of the Pathway is designed to help you find opportunities to help you invest in your spiritual growth, connect with the life of the church, practice the essentials of a healthy, flourishing faith, and grow in community alongside others.

Everyone Has a Next Step on Their Journey of Discipleship. What’s Yours?

Discipleship is not a straight line, or a check the box approach to spiritual growth. It is a life-long spirit-filled journey of learning to live and love like Jesus, and helping others do the same. The Discipleship Pathway is your guide to help you discover and become who God has created you to be. Find hope, purpose, freedom, and transformation as you take the next step in your personal journey of following Jesus as you are transformed into his likeness through the Holy Spirit.

Know God

Take the exciting first step of committing or recommitting your life to Jesus and living as His disciple! A disciple is someone who is continuously learning to live and love like Jesus and leads others to do the same.

No matter your past experience or current situation, you are invited to enter into a personal relationship with God, not just talk about Him or theorize about who He is. Because of Jesus and the grace and forgiveness He freely gives, you are invited to experience true hope.

It is a decision and an intention to know the God who uniquely created you and desires a relationship with you. Christianity is not just a religion.
Revival starts with you—are you ready to lead JUST 1 to Christ?

The purpose of JUST 1 Training is Next Gen revival, one person at a time.

Through simple and practical training, adults and youth can learn to evangelize and disciple the next generation, share the Gospel, and transform lives for Christ. By empowering young people and the influential adults in their lives to share their faith, we create a ripple effect that impacts schools, communities, and families.

Luke 15:7 tells us that Jesus leaves the 99 to go after the one lost soul. How far are you willing to go for just one?
LIFE Class is a catalyst on your journey of discipleship. This two-hour course will help you discover your unique gifts and God-given design, learn about the heart of Rock Church, and help you find your place in this diverse community.

Whether you are new to Rock Church or have been attending for a while but want to engage on a deeper level, LIFE Class will help you connect to the life of the church! It is foundational in your journey of discipleship as you get to know God, experience the importance of growing in community, and learn more about how you can make a difference in the world around you. LIFE Class is offered once every month during the 11am service.
Leave your old life behind in the waters of baptism as you publicly proclaim your faith in Jesus Christ and follow Him on the road of discipleship (Acts 2:41).

If you are a follower of Jesus and have yet to participate in water baptism, we encourage you to take this next step in your faith journey!

Water baptism signifies our death to sin, the burial of our old life, and the resurrection of walking in the newness of life in Christ Jesus. If you have already decided to follow Jesus, baptism is an opportunity to publicly say YES to God and invite the Holy Spirit to continue to shape you into the likeness of Jesus! Baptisms are held on the third Sunday of every month after the second service. Don’t forget to invite your friends, family, or Group to share in this special moment with you!

Grow in Community

Get intentional about your discipleship by connecting with other believers and growing together! Groups are our weekly practice as disciples of Jesus to grow closer to Him within community.

At Rock Church, we prioritize the cultivation of deep relationships that shape and encourage us along our discipleship journey. Through Groups, community is deepened, friendships are strengthened, and people are connected to our greater church family as they learn how they can make a difference in the lives of others and be better representatives of Jesus to the world! Joining a Group has been the catalyst for many lives, and it starts with finding the Group that is right for you.

If you are looking to “Lead a Group”, click here.
Do you want to experience healing and breakthrough? Encounter the Holy Spirit and be encouraged in your faith through our Kingdom Life ministries!

As disciples, we need to carve out room in our lives to receive prayer, be equipped with biblical teachings, and entrust ourselves to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and minds. Kingdom Life Ministry, which is comprised of Encounter, Healing Ministry, and Freedom Ministry, exists for this purpose. Healing Ministry and Freedom Ministry provide the opportunity to receive from the Lord in areas of healing, deliverance, and biblical truth through weekly ministry nights or scheduled one-hour ministry sessions.
Rock University provides a space for believers to learn and grow in their faith outside of the Sunday service.

Rock U classes are designed to empower believers to take intentional steps in knowing God, growing in community, and making a difference. Each class was created to further your understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and equip you to become more like Him as you fulfill your God-given calling. Classes at Rock U span a variety of topics from foundational teachings to advanced biblical study.

Classes not only provide a space for believers to grow deeper, but they also offer opportunities for friendship, accountability, and encouragement with other like-minded individuals. Through participating in Rock U, you will have the chance to connect with others who desire to go deeper in biblical teaching and study.

Make a Difference

We look the most like Jesus when we serve others! Build relationships and use your gifts and talents – all while making a difference!

As disciples of Jesus, we believe we are called to do what He did, and most of what Jesus did was serve others (Matthew 20:28). When we use our gifts, talents, and time to serve others, we start to look more like Jesus. Whether you want to lead a weekly Group, are good with technology, have a gift of hospitality, or are passionate about serving your community, you are invited to serve on a team that is making a difference!

There is a team for you at Rock Church that will help you build relationships and grow in your faith while serving others! You’ll also have the opportunity to develop new skills, discover new passions, form lifelong friendships, and serve the people of our church.
Generosity is a journey! As we learn to trust God more each day, He transforms our hearts to be more and more generous with our time, talents, and treasures, so we may take hold of the true life He desires us to live.

Everything we do as Christians is a response to this truth: Jesus loves us, and He wants our hearts! This means that discipleship is a daily walk of learning to trust God with the big and the small. At Rock Church, we are determined to practice generosity so that we will learn to wholeheartedly trust God with our resources (1 Tim 6:17-19).

The word “tithe” is derived from the Hebrew word ma’aser, and it literally means “the first tenth.” We believe everything we have comes from God, and choose to recognize this by giving God 10% of what we receive as an act of trust. Generosity is to cheerfully give in abundance of this, fully trusting God’s provision. This isn’t just about our finances, however! We also want to be generous with our time, talents, and other resources.
Partner with God’s mission in the world by stepping up to lead at Rock Church as you become a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

Discipleship starts with following, but it also includes leading! As we follow Jesus and are transformed into His likeness through the Holy Spirit, we are also called to partner with God’s mission in the world by discipling and leading others. Whether you are leading a Group, a ministry team, or serving our church through pastoral support, we want to equip you to be a transformed leader who is committed to sharing the hope of the gospel with your words and your actions.

Need Help Finding Your Best Next Step?

Contact us so we can help you get connected. Send an email to discipleship@sdrock.com.


God’s Redeeming Love

Becca Ruiz, Women’s Ministry Coach

The Lord’s Plans are Greater

Pastor Ty Johnson, Campus Pastor

From Broken to New Beginnings

Hayden Reed, Point Loma Youth and Young Adult Director

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