Generosity is a journey! As we learn to trust God more each day, He transforms our hearts to be more and more generous with our time, talents, and treasures, so we may take hold of the true life He desires us to live.
Everything we do as Christians is a response to this truth: Jesus loves us, and He wants our hearts! This means that discipleship is a daily walk of learning to trust God with the big and the small. At Rock Church, we are determined to practice generosity so that we will learn to wholeheartedly trust God with our resources (1 Tim 6:17-19).
The word “tithe” is derived from the Hebrew word ma’aser, and it literally means “the first tenth.” We believe everything we have comes from God, and choose to recognize this by giving God 10% of what we receive as an act of trust. Generosity is to cheerfully give in abundance of this, fully trusting God’s provision. This isn’t just about our finances, however! We also want to be generous with our time, talents, and other resources.