Where I Belong

by Lucia - 8th Grade Rock Academy Student | January 20, 2019

Just a few months ago my parents, sisters, and I left our beautiful home in Colorado and moved to San Diego in an RV.  Our family of five left what we knew and who we loved.  We had to trust in each other and God’s plan for our family – and it brought us closer. However, even with the people I love, and crammed into that small space, I experienced many times what it was to be lonely.  

When we came to the Rock Academy, I didn’t know what to expect.  The very first time I met my fellow students, I was welcomed by true friends.  Everyone was inclusive, caring, and it didn’t take long for them to become more like family.  In the classroom, my teachers inspired and motivated me to be the best I can be.  In Bible class, our group discussions were real.  In Chapel, and for the first time, I had a powerful understanding of my identity through Christ.  At camp we truly experienced worship and built relationships with God and each other. I felt like I was important, and I felt like I was home.

I felt like I was important, and I felt like I was home. 

I spent my elementary years in a homeschool group.  While I loved the small community, I missed being social and involved outside of it. I attended a public charter school for middle school and was met with strenuous academic expectations that led to an unhealthy balance in my life. I also sometimes struggled with some of my social relationships. I struggled with self-consciousness and a desire to fit in.  I was often worried, stressed, and questioned who I was as I sought to find my identity in things that didn’t matter.

This year has been so different.  The Rock Academy has been an incredible support to my family and me; my sisters and I are so thankful to be here.  I love being in class and truly understanding what I’m learning.  It’s beautiful to  reflect on God’s love and be encouraged by my friends to grow closer to God.  I enjoy serving my fellow students and school through ASB Student Leadership.  Competing in Warrior athletics in volleyball and basketball and singing in our school musicals is something I truly delight in.  I love that I get to do all of that at my school.  I love being a Rock Academy Warrior.

This has been the most encouraging year because of the families in our Academy community.  They care about me and encourage me in my walk with God, everyday.  I get to learn along with influencers and role models supporting me every step of the way. Here I have the potential to grow – to try new things – to be put into situations where I can share about God and discover who He is. 

Here I have the potential to grow – to try new things – to be put into situations where I can share about God and discover who He is.  

The Rock Academy is somewhere I hope to stay for a long time.  I have been so blessed by the community - the staff, my friends, and even my friends’ parents.  I get to work with the elementary kids and the high school students – we are a family and I finally feel like I belong.

"We love that the Rock Academy provides so many opportunities for our children to actively discover and use the gifts God has given each of them. In our time here, Lucia has already had the chance to speak, be involved in music and drama, and be a part of several Warrior athletics teams — all of which are in a Christian environment. We especially love that at the Rock Academy, these activities encourage her that it is not all about Lucia, it is for HIM." – Amy, Lucia’s mother


To learn more about the Rock Academy, click here.


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