Welcome to week 2 of the 21-day fast! One week down, 2 to go, you are doing great! Keep on hanging in there because God is going to continue working in and through you because of your dedication to focus on Him!
For those of you who are choosing to do a liquid, smoothie, or juice fast, here are some resources to help you through the week!
Here are a few tips for juicing: When juicing, start with a base (fruits or vegetables that produce more liquid and add volume). Carrots, green apples, cucumbers, and celery are great choices! From there, add anything that sounds tasty! You can also throw in some herbs and spices for some extra flavor. The more leafy greens, the better. Green juice is definitely an acquired taste, but if you add a few more fruits to the juice, it will add sweetness to make it more bearable in the beginning.
Juicing can be pricey! You may think you just bought a ton of fruits and vegetables, but the chances are that what you just bought, might only produce 2-3 glasses. If you are also drinking smoothies, that can be a great way to make a smaller amount of produce go far and also add some texture to make you feel more full.
Whether you are doing all liquids or only juice, make sure to drink A LOT of water! Stay hydrated, and of course, if you have any health concerns you should always consult a medical professional before proceeding with any fast.
Below are a few juice and smoothie recipes to help with your weekly meal planning!
Beet + Apple + Mint
Green Apple + Spinach + Kale
Pineapple + Cucumber
Carrot + Apple + Ginger
Blood Orange + Grapefruit + Tangerine
Apple + Collard Greens + Cucumber
Pumpkin Spice Banana Latte Smoothie
Red beet, pear, minneola orange and apple smoothie
Chard, lettuce, pear and ginger smoothie
Just in case you are feeling like skipping the juicer and you'd like someone else to make your meals for you, here are some local spots that make delicious juices and smoothies!
Pressed Juicery // Nekter Juice Bar // Whole Foods // Juice Crafters // Oh! Juice
Are you still on the Daniel Fast? Here are a few more recipes to add to your meal plan! (Of course, you can use any of the juices and smoothies above!)
Sweet Potato and Coconut Milk Soup (Omit yogurt for serving and make sure orange juice has no added sugar.)
Spice Roasted Veggies with Chickpeas and Chermoula (Omit honey.)
Follow us on Instagram @rockchurchsandiego to see videos of the next 3 recipes and how to prepare them!
Raw Zucchini Noodles + Veggies
Has God already revealed something new to you? Maybe He's already answering prayers or transforming your life? We want to hear about it! Visit sdrock.com/mystory to share what God is doing in and through you during this 21-day fast!