Do you want help in being set free from the chains that bind you in sexual sin?
You are not alone! FMO wants you first to know this: all men struggle with the lust of the flesh. For Men Only (FMO) is a Ministry for any man who finds himself in a struggle with living a "pure life." Men are finding victory through Fellowship, Accountability, and Transparency. FMO is a refuge and a safe place for all men to come as they are! If you're tired of trying to win the battle on your own and are ready to break free, check out FMO. You're not alone as the lie's of darkness will tell you! In truth know there are brothers in Christ ready to come alongside you, pointing you into the light and power of the Holy Spirit who will help you overcome and set you free.
“How can I stop today?”
Often when men are searching for ways to stop their online temptations, they ask that question. The funny thing is when you offer simple solutions, these same men often don’t want to accept those solutions. The majority of the time, men want to clean up their lives without wanting to clear out the junk. The reality is, if you “want” to make a change, you must be intentional by taking a first step in making those changes. It will never just happen!
Action is required.
FMO Ministry will start by offering you some simple actions to help “clear out the junk.” But first, find a Gatekeeper (GK) and tell him or her (wife) you’re taking these steps. This way, they can hold you accountable in completing them. Without the GK, these steps will be almost useless.
Some of you may think this is extreme. However, sexually provocative images and content are available via all the above media. These images are doorways of temptation. If you want to make a change for purity, then you must start by removing the temptations.
Yes, you will lose some clean websites. You will have limited website access. However, you will spend less time on the internet. Don’t see this as a negative. See it as an opportunity to connect elsewhere. Connect with God, your spouse, children, and friends that would otherwise miss out on time with you.
Click the link below to connect with the Introductory FMO Men's group currently available at Rock Church. We look forward to hearing from you and walking alongside you on this journey to freedom.