
Marriage Prep - For seriously dating and engaged

Marriage Prep

For Seriously Dating and Engaged Couples

Why should we complete marriage prep before we get engaged?

What we’ve noticed is once most couples get engaged they become consumed with the success of their wedding day. When this happens they miss out on the benefits of marriage prep which is defining the relationship, dealing with challenges and preparing for marriage.  

What is marriage prep?
Marriage Prep is a 6-8 week course that will assist you in the following:  

  • Understanding God's design for marriage and 
  • Laying down a solid biblical foundation for you to have a healthy marriage

Why do we need marriage prep?
It’s the only part of your wedding planning process that is specifically geared towards the success of your marriage! Everything else (dress, flowers, ring, venue etc) is for the wedding day.

What will we learn in marriage prep? 

  • How to have a great sex life
  • Husband and wife’s God given roles in marriage
  • How to love God's way and have a covenantal marriage 
  • How to have great communication and stay connected spiritually, physically and emotionally

When should we begin marriage prep?
The ideal time to enroll is when you and your boyfriend/girlfriend have had conversations about marriage.

What is the class format?

  • The class is taught in a small group format, 5-10 couples
  • Class will take place once a week, usually on a weeknight or on a Sunday morning/afternoon
  • For individual marriage prep requests: Considered after completion of a marriage prep small group class. 

What curriculum do you use?

Our team members are trained in one or both of the following material:

Registration Cost:

  •  $100 per couple plus your course material, which is approximately $50-$60/couple

Current class options

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