Marriage Ministry Pastor on staff since December 2001Pastor Darren Carrington and his lovely bride, Vickie
In 1989 Darren realized that even though he had achieved his childhood dream of making it to the NFL, his life was still incomplete. In 1992 he was taught that life was about more than just making money and partying, and surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. He took the passion he’d once used to live for the world and redirected it. Now he lives to let people know that living for Jesus is a much better way of life. The Lord’s assignment began in youth ministry and he has since been called to a marriage and family pastor role. He has accepted the challenge to help build healthy marriages, which will result in healthy families. He married his college sweetheart and they just celebrated 30 amazing years of marriage on April 10. They have three incredible children: Di’Arra-35; Darren II-29, Di’Jonai’-27 and their granddaughter Serenity who just turned 8 this past March.
Discipleship Pathway & Family Ministries Manager (supports Marriage, Mens, Womens, and more) on staff since July 2014
Margarita Robinson and her husband Ken
Margarita began her career at Rock Church in July of 2014 as an admin assistant and has grown into the role of Marriage Ministry Coordinator, and recently promoted to Manager for the Discipleship Pathway & Family Ministry Teams. Aside from the Marriage Getaway, she supports the Marriage Ministry and other core ministries at each campus, and coordinates many other marriage and family programs. When she is not working, you can find her enjoying family fun adventures with her husband Ken and their 13 year old daughter Kailani. Ken and Margarita just celebrated 20 years of marriage on July 22.
San Marcos Directors (faithfully volunteering in Marriage Ministry since October 2018)
Dan & Pam
marriagesm@sdrock.comMarried Since: December 11, 1993
Dan and Pam met while leading in Youth Ministry at the age of 20 years old. In their four years of dating, their relationships with the Lord grew as they grew closer together. They saw the pain of divorce throughout both of their families and declared when they got married, that divorce would never be an option. In the first 10 years of their marriage, they struggled with financial and communication problems. But, they remained committed to God’s plan and purpose for them and chose to continually learn more about each other. They give glory to the Lord as they have seen many miracles in their marriage, healing and salvation in their families and continue to see Gods hand at work in their lives. Dan and Pam continued to serve in youth ministry together for over 30 years. At which time, their call to Marriage Ministry began. God has given them an incredible passion to see married couples healthy in the Lord and in love with each other. Dan and Pam have a daughter Taylor, 25, married to son-in-law Darrien, 25 and a son Tom, 20 and they will be celebrating 29 years of marriage in December.
El Cajon Directors (faithfully serving in Marriage Ministry since 2013)
Ron & Victoria
marriageec@sdrock.comMarried since December 18, 1996, Ron and Victoria have journeyed through the unique challenges of a blended family, military life, and a second marriage. Together, they focus on communication, finances, and raising grandchildren, drawing on their experiences to support other couples. They’ve overcome the complexities of blending their family and keeping their marriage strong through open communication and faith. Ron and Victoria are passionate about helping others navigate similar challenges and feel blessed to serve through their ministry at Rock Church.
Point Loma Directors (faithfully volunteering in Marriage Ministry since 2010)
David & Vinny Morineau
David and Vinny have been serving couples for 14 years through the Rock marriage ministry. We have experience with blended families, infidelity, marriage in crisis, and pre-marital counseling. We are dedicated to a Christ centered solution to teach and guide couples in crisis but also couples to learn how to have better communication and to serve one another in love.
City Heights Directors
Sherman & Semise (faithfully serving in Marriage Ministry since 2021)
Sherman & Semise accepted The Lord as young adults and have served in leadership at various churches. They married at a young age to other people and had long-standing marriages which both ended in divorce. W hen they met, they had been divorced for several years. After a short online courtship, they knew they were the person God had designed for them, so they married in 2012 rejoicing in God’s goodness only to end in divorce four years later. But God, even through the separation time, continued to work on their hearts and led them to wise, professional, Christian counsel. Counseling helped them to navigate their differences, restore their marriage, and started them on the journey of learning how to demonstrate true love towards each other. They remarried in 2020 and are now passionate about helping couples avoid the mistakes they made.
To God’s glory they are now Internationally Certified Relationship Coaches, part of the Rock Marriage Ministry Coaches’ Team serving at City Heights campus, lead a married couples’ group online, Coordinators of the City Heights Rock Marriage Enrichment Workshops, and serve at the Annual Rock Marriage Getaway as Marriage Coaches. Their slogan is, “We focus on helping married couples to develop the skills and tools necessary to nurture and live out The Word of God in their relationships.”
They have a blended family of 5 children, 8 grandchildren, and 4 grand dogs. They are the primary caregivers for Sherman’s 97-year young mother. Their favorite pastime together is traveling.
Chula Vista Directors:
Ricardo & Moraima (faithfully serving in Marriage Ministry since 2022)
Married since February 16, 1986, Ricardo and Moraima have navigated the challenges of a blended family and cancer survival. They have overcome obstacles by learning to forgive and prioritize each other and their children over work and extended family. Their marriage thrives on Jesus, prayer, and active involvement at Rock Church. They share common interests and find fulfillment in helping others, hosting a marriage group, men's group, and youth group. Ricardo and Moraima are passionate about walking with couples through their marriage journey.
Oahu Directors:
We are looking for a Marriage Coach couple to lead our campus marriage ministry. If you and your spouse have a heart for marriage and the desire to lead other like minded married couples, we would love to connect with you. Email Pastor Darren at