
Hiking Ministry FAQs

1. What level of fitness do I need to be?

Our hikes are for every level of fitness. We try to schedule hikes that are at a medium level, though some hikes will be easy or difficult. Please self-evaluate your physical fitness level before attempting any hike. Check the current hiking event listing for degree of difficulty.

2. How should I preapre for a hike?
  • Wear comfortable clothing - bring or wear layers as the temperature will change on each hike
  • Good hiking or trail shoes with solid soles and ankle support are highly recommended
  • Hat or visor to protect you from the sun
  • 1.5 liters of water will be sufficient for most hikes. Check the current event listing if more water is required.
  • Salty snacks and electrolytes
  • Sunscreen
  • Hiking poles (optional). These help when the terrain is rocky, hilly or steep downhills.
  • Sunglasses
  • Towel and an extra shirt
  • Camera - Although there will always be one there and everyone has a smart phone
3. Do I need to be a experienced hiker? 

No! We're here to help you get you started! You can begin with an easy or moderate trek. If you walk a lot, you can handle the easy hikes. 

4. Can I bring my dog? 

YES! Most trails do allow dogs, they must be on leash. Check current hiking event listing, as certain trails prohibit dogs. It is your responsibility to make sure your dog can handle the hike, especially in warm weather. Dogs must also be people-friendly.

5. Can I bring children?

Children are welcome on our easy hikes. It is not recommened to bring them on the moderate-to-difficult hikes.

6. Can I bring non-christian friends? 

Absolutely! Mutual respect of all beliefs is required. We highly encourage everyone to join our hikes.

7. Where can I get hiking gear? 

REI and Big 5 are good options and have knowledgeable sales people. WalMart and Target also carry hiking supplies.

8. Where does the hiking ministry hike? 

The hiking ministry journeys all over San Diego County. There are so many excellent trails to choose from.

9. Can I provide hiking location suggestions? 

Yes! We are always looking for cool and awesome places to hike

10. Does the Hiking Ministry still have a bible study?

Currently, the Hiking Ministry does not have a bible study. For more information on joining a small group, click here.

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