The Missing Piece

Latest Message
Part 1, The God-Shaped Hole
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Why am I here? Do I really have a purpose? So many of us wonder about our place in the world. Just like a puzzle, where each piece is unique and essential to completing the whole picture, we are all individual members of something greater. more...

Romans 12:5 reminds us that while we are many, we form one body in Christ, and each of us belongs to one another. You’ll discover your God-given purpose, gifts, and talents—because you are a vital part of something far bigger than yourself, uniquely designed by God to make a difference in the world. Someone could be waiting for you to walk in your purpose so they can walk in theirs. You may be that missing piece.

Unfortunately, many people never fully reach their dreams, potential, or purpose in life. If you're questioning whether you have a specific role or struggling to find where you fit, this 4-week series will guide you in aligning with God's plan and empower you to step boldly into your calling.
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