Kingdom Conflict

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Part 1,
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About this Series

With so many opinions and emotions influencing us, it’s essential to seek what Scripture says, not just what we feel. The best way to make choices rooted in biblical principles is to truly know the Word of God and apply it in every area of life. more...

Jesus teaches in Matthew 5:44 to "love your enemies," challenging us to lead with compassion and kindness, especially when faced with disagreement. This series will help us navigate difficult decisions, including those in relationships, work, and even in how we engage in political matters. We are called to share the truth in love—truth that’s informed by Scripture, not just personal opinion.

Whether you’re facing life’s daily choices or preparing to vote, this series will guide you in making faith-driven decisions that align with God’s heart. By growing in wisdom and understanding, you will be equipped to live out your faith with integrity and share the love of Christ, even with those who oppose you.
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