Gospel Line Dance Ministry Meeting

Thursday, January 23, 2025


We are meeting at the Point Loma Campus.

1st Floor, Room 144 (behind the community room)

After you enter the lobby, walk past the elevators and the community room, go through the double doors on your right, and walk all the way down the walkway almost to the end. Room 144 will be on your right.

Devotional (6:00pm-7:00pm) and line dancing (7:00pm-8:00pm).

During our devotional time, we will discuss The Chosen (study below). During our line dancing time, we will learn easy beginner level line dances.

THE CHOSEN: Sustenance (Season 3, Episode 8)

Video: Click here to watch the video.

Scripture References:
Psalm 77
Luke 17:5-6, Matthew 17:20
Jeremiah 6:16, Isaiah 43:18-19
Matt 13:1-9
Luke 10:21-22
Matt 11:28-30
Matt 21:28-32
Matt 13:44-46
Luke 9:12-17
Luke 13:18-19
Matthew 14:22-34
Psalm 13:2

Jesus, Disciples, Eden, Zebedee & Salome, Mary Magdalene, Rabbi Shmuel, Rabbi Joseph, Leander, Decapolis crowd, Lame man, King David & Bathsheba, Asaph

The Big Question:
What is your one BIG question from this episode? (What captured your imagination most, and what would you ask God about the events portrayed?)

Bring to Group:
What quote from this episode was the most meaningful/impactful to you? Why?

Group Discussion Questions:
1. Which characters stood out to you most? Which were most interesting? Most moving?

2. This episode is significant for the amount of scripture. Take some time and read the scriptures out loud in your group to focus you on the scriptural content.

3. Psalm 77 has a central role in this episode, beginning and ending it with King David. How does this Psalm apply to the episode overall, and specifically how is it used in Simon and Eden’s situation?

4. What role does scripture have in your life - in re-centering you, providing correction, hope, encouragement, comfort, etc. Name one recent situation where scripture played a significant role in your life.

5. In this episode, Jesus does damage control in the Decapolis from Andrew and Philip’s mission there. What was significant about how Jesus dealt with conflict? What did you notice about how He was portrayed as assuming authority as moderator?

6. The Pharisees traveled to the Decapolis to “catch” Jesus teaching heresy. They seem more concerned about prayer tassels and Jews associating with Gentiles than understanding who Jesus really was. How can we miss the big picture of what God is doing around us when we focus on control?

7. Zebedee, Salome, and Mary Magdalene minister to Eden. What is at the root of her and Simon’s struggles? How does disappoint with God cloud your own perspective at times?

8. Jesus’ miracle of feeding the 5000 is shown. What did the disciples learn? What lessons did you learn from watching it? 

9. Rabbi Joseph (of Arimathea) ministers to Eden through scripture (Psalm 77). Why does using scripture provide substance in hard times?

10. Jesus invites Peter to walk on water. How did this moment impact you? How can Jesus’ power amidst our lack of faith (and in storms) restore your own soul? 

11. What else spoke to you during this episode?

“How is this the second most amazing things I’ve seen today?” (Phillip, as Jesus walked on water)

“I’m afraid that He will choose them. ” (Simon, when asked by Andrew what he is afraid of before the feeding) 

Thursday · January 23, 2025
6 - 8 PM
Rock Church Point Loma - 1st Floor, Room 144
If you have questions, please contact La Tasca at linedance@sdrock.com.
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