Gospel Line Dance Ministry Meeting

Thursday, August 22, 2024


We are meeting at the Point Loma Campus.

1st Floor, Room 144 (behind the community room)

After you enter the lobby, walk past the elevators and the community room, go through the double doors on your right, and walk all the way down the walkway almost to the end. Room 144 will be on your right.

Devotional (6:00pm-7:00pm) and line dancing (7:00pm-8:00pm).

During our devotional time, we will discuss The Chosen (study below). During our line dancing time, we will learn easy beginner level line dances.

THE CHOSEN: Homecoming (Season 3, Episode 1)

Video: Click here to watch the video.

Scripture References:
Matthew 5:21-24
Matthew 6:25-33
Matthew 7:12
Matthew 5:38-40
Matthew 5:43-45
Matthew 7:24-27
Numbers 6:24-27

Jesus, James & John, Andrew & Peter, Thomas, Rema, John the Baptist, Matthew and parents, Joanna, Joseph and Jairus

The Big Question:
What is your one BIG question from this episode? (What captured your imagination most, and what would you ask God about the events portrayed?)

Bring to Group:
What quote from this episode was the most meaningful/impactful to you? Why?

Group Discussion Questions:
1. Which characters stood out to you most? Which were most interesting? Most moving?

2. The episode opens with a Roman soldier arresting a man. We find out it is Matthew’s dad… Sets the stage of a sad showdown. Matthew is disowned. Why? (Hold off on sharing how the episode ended!) Matthew expresses his skepticism over what has God done for “our people in 100 years? In 50 years?” When have you ever felt overlooked by God? How does it impact your relationships?

3. We see and hear Jesus teaching the Sermon on the Mount. What parts stood out to you? Could you tell that the disciples were moved by Jesus’ words? What proved they were moved?

4. The Judas-Jesus interaction/job interview – your thoughts? How did this play out for Judas later as he left his home?

5. Joanna gives a valuable piece of fabric to Jesus’ ministry. She is deeply moved by the sermon as well. Later she takes Andrew to see John the Baptist. What did John mean when he told Andrew, “In all that he said to those 1000s of people, there was something just for you. There always is.” How have you experienced that when reading the words of Jesus?

6. Joseph the Pharisee is recording what’s happening in Capernaum. Who is Jairus and what does he recommend that Joseph do with what he’s writing? Why? Why didn’t Joseph seal his scroll before he gave it to Jairus for “the cellar?”

7. Andrew and Matthew each acted on what they heard from Jesus’ sermon. What were the results of each? Why is forgiveness so powerful?

8. What do you need to DO to respond to Jesus’ words?

“If you want to help me, listen to him. Go home and do what he says. That’s what I want.” (John the Baptist)
“I require… that you seek to be like me. Are you ready to do hard things?” (Jesus to Judas)

Thursday · August 22, 2024
6 - 8 PM
Rock Church Point Loma - 1st Floor, Room 144
If you have questions, please contact La Tasca at linedance@sdrock.com.
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