FutureSD - Youth Camp

Monday, June 23, 2025 —
Thursday, June 26, 2025



Calling all 6th-12th graders! FUTURE SD is taking over Point Loma Nazarene University for an unforgettable four-day summer camp experience!

From June 23-26, 2025, join students from churches across San Diego as we transform PLNU into the ultimate camp destination. Sleep in college dorms, enjoy the beautiful ocean-view campus, and participate in amazing activities designed just for you!

FUTURE SD isn't just about fun (though there will be plenty of that!) — it's about forming lasting friendships and growing in your faith journey through powerful worship sessions and life-changing messages.

We're taking over the entire campus! Swimming, games, outdoor activities, and special evening events will fill your days with non-stop excitement and opportunities to connect.

  • Dates: Monday, June 23 (2:00 PM) - Thursday, June 26 (10:30 AM), 2025
  • Location: Point Loma Nazarene University
  • Who: Students in 6th-12th grade
  • Theme: For the Future of San Diego

Early bird pricing ends April 30th, 2025 — secure your spot today!

For more information on guest speakers, activities, and FAQs, visit www.futuresandiego.com




1. What does supervision look like at FutureSD, and who is watching my child? 

Safety is the top priority for us at Future San Diego. We will have safety team members and hall monitors strategically stationed throughout the campus for the entirety of the three-night stay. Dedicated camp counselors from each church are responsible for watching your student. All of our counselors and volunteers go through multiple trainings. They are required to complete Safety Awareness training, have an updated background check completed within the last year, and have a Live Scan on file. 

2. Will my student be alone during the camp? 

Every student is required to stay with their leader and cabin the entire stay at Future. Students will have the freedom to move throughout campus during different periods of the day, but they will be accompanied by their counselor 24/7. 

3. Who else will be with my student at camp?

In addition to the camp counselor, your student will be assigned to a cabin with four other students who are in their grade. They’ll be with the same group the entire time. Cabins will be made up of the same church and assigned by grade and gender. For example, if your student is a middle school boy from Rock Church, they will be with other middle school boys from Rock Church. There will be leaders housed on every floor of the dorm in addition to safety monitors on every floor.  

4. Can we request who our student dorms with?

Youth pastors are working together to assign rooms and counselors. We cannot promise special accommodations for every request, but you may email your local youth pastor if you have any requests.

5. What kind of financial aid is offered? 

You may enroll in a payment plan, which allows you to pay half of the cost of camp up front and then pay the second half later on closer to the time of camp. The payment plan is available on the registration page. Many churches and youth pastors are working hard to fundraise for every student and leader to go to camp. Please contact your local youth pastor to learn about more financial aid available for your student.

6. What happens if I have to cancel?

Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer any refunds. If your teenager can no longer attend FutureSD, you can send someone in their place by connecting with your local youth pastor.

7. How does Early Bird Pricing Work?

The early bird price is offered all the way up until April 22nd. If you put in a down payment before April 22nd, you will lock in that price and only pay up to the agreed-upon $395. After April 22nd, the price will go up to $450.

Monday · June 23, 2025 — Thursday · June 26, 2025
Point Loma Nazarine University
$395 until 4/22, then $450
If you have questions, please contact students@summerisours.org.
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