Spanish Service Launch

Sunday, September 10, 2023


Lanzamiento el 10 de septiembre

Nuestra familia Rock Church sigue creciendo y nos complace informarles que ahora tendremos un servicio 100% en español!

Estamos añadiendo un tercer servicio en nuestra sede de Chula Vista, adaptada a nuestra comunidad hispana!

Acompáñanos a Adorar y crecer juntos como familia Rock Church Español cada Domingo a la 1pm.

Será la misma cultura y experiencia de Rock Church - ¡pero completamente en español!



Rock Church is excited to bring our Spanish service to Sundays! This service will be held at our Rock Church Chula Vista Campus and will be specifically tailored to our Spanish-speaking community.

This is an opportunity for you to worship and grow alongside your Rock Church family, 100% in Spanish! Join us 1pm every Sunday (beginning September 10th). 

It will be the same worship, culture, and experience of Rock Church - but completely in Spanish!

Sunday · September 10, 2023
1 PM start
AMC Theaters in Otay Ranch
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