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Tools to help you grow

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We are excited to help you grow in your walk with the Lord. Here are multiple resources to watch the latest message, connect with others, and get involved. Take advantage of these tools to help you discover God’s plan for your life.
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Experience the Sunday Message

Listen to the Sunday messages any day of the week, on the go or at home.
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Access Rock Church services right from your living room. Watch live or check out previous sermon series.
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Check out the latest Rock Church videos including Sunday sermons, guest speakers, and Rock in the news.
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Apple TV
Watch Rock Church services, live or archived, from home and with your friends and family.
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Growth In Every Season

Grow Spiritually

Bible Reading Plan
If you want to grow spiritually, make a commitment to read the Bible everyday for a whole year.
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Spiritual Gifts Test
Take the Spiritual Gifts Test to find out how God has equipped you to bless others.
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Miles A Minute
Experience a daily, minute-long dose of encouragement from Pastor Miles.
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